
Guest Writer:Girlyninjatb

As Bethany walked out of that horribly sad building weeping she could only think about the crime that happened only a mere five minutes ago. Realizing her virginity, she sat as close as possible to the wall as she could curled up into a ball. She could only remember they way they had felt for each other. She remembered how every time they came near each other their blood would run cold, and how every time they touched the could feel a little spark in their fingers, and heart. And as she sat weeping to herself that horrible memory kept repeating in her mind. The memory that probably would stay with her forever. The memory of the death of her soul mate the memory, that just made her eyes tear again and again.The memory just made her hold her breath to keep from drowning in her tears. That sad memory made her heart stop. She remembered she had gotten a text from him just at least 30 seconds before his death. She still sat curled in a ball crying to herself as she pulled out her cell phone the text said: Bethany please forgive me for this terrible mistake i have made i will always love you and by the time you are able to get to me i will be dead. Just wait Bethany one day we will see each other again as beautiful as ever. With love, Jason.
As she sat by the wall crying even harder now she felt a soft, gentle hand rub the back of her neck. As she turned to see the road she heard an ambulance go buy. She sat and as she pulled the knife out of her pocket that Drake had killed Jason with she pondered to herself; should i or should i not. Then suddenly she felt her body go numb as she realized wat she had just done to herself.
She awoke numb and in pain wondering why her ma and pa were next to her bed crying. She realized a couple of strange things, for one she was hooked to a monitor and another she couldn't talk, the main wonder was why she had a giant tube coming out of her throat. She didn't want to to find out about the third one. As she started pulling the tube out of her throat she choked. Then she heard distinct voices, her parents calling nurses and explaining that she was choking.When the nurses finally arrived they just shoved the tube right back down her throat.She thought to herself of that night when she had stabbed herself. She remembered the death of her boy friend what had made her almost kill herself. Then she saw her parents next to her telling her everything was okay and that she would have to go to the mental facility tomorrow wen she is able to leave the hospital. The night seemed to last forever she couldn't move, not at all. so she buzzed the nurses buzzer. The night nurse came running in and fixed her pillows to the best of her ability. But it wasn't the pillows that were bothering her. It was the idea of the mental facility, and the fact of Jason's death. Then slowly she began to drift asleep...
The next morning when she awoke this time not in the same place again, she noticed that instead of the ugly old green dress that she had been wearing in the hospital, she was in a gray jumpsuit. Uglier this time! she was laying a bed covered in blankets, when an old bitty (old lady) walked in and said "here's ur breakfast" handing her a tray of food, " so honey are you ready to talk about your problems?" NEXT POST WILL BE 2-14-09!


Girlyninjatb said...

OMG! thanx so much i am coming up with more rite now!!!!!!

GirlsRus said...

Your welcome! Your such a great writer!