
Guest Writer: Girlyninjatb PART 2!

Bethany had to think for moment before answering this question. She could feel the lump in her throat, the tears forming in her eyes, and most of all she can feel the pain of missing Jason. Jason meant the world to her. He was there through all the hard times, and through all of the good times. He had always gave her a kiss wen she felt down, and a hug wen she just felt like one. was she ready to tell the psychiatrist about him or would she just burst into tears? " Yes." she spoke softly," I am ready but i might have to stop." " That is perfectly fine honey, you just tell me what you can." said the psychiatrist sweetly." Well Jason and i were out at dinner and he told me he had to go meet someone, and we said our good- byes and we kissed. Then as i was walking home i saw his friend Drake, mumbling i am going to kill Jason, absolutely kill him. And i texted Jason to warn him but I didn't get a text back. so i ran to the building where he said he was going,and when I got there," she paused as a tear ran down her cheek." When i got there i saw Drake stabbing Jason, and wen Drake saw me he turned around and ran leaving his knife behind.And i walked over to Jason, and I saw," she said as two, then three, then four tears fell from her cheek. " It's okay honey we can finish tomorrow, i understand." the psychiatrist said as Bethany clenched her shoulder, her hands in fists weeping to herself. " I'll be back later sweetie", said the sweet lady, " and maybe we can finish. Just take your time dear."

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