

Okay well I have some hello kitty tank tops for sale!
There is orange, blue, red, antique rose, purple, and greed for colors. Scarf 7 sd, dress 12 sd, jumpsuit 10 sd, tights 6 sd, A tank top is 8 stardollers, A shirt is 6 stardollers, skirt 10 stardollers, suit jacket 9 stardollers, shorts 8 sd, half sweatshirt 9 sd, sleeveless dress 12 sd, jeans 10 sd.
Mail hco-hottie23 or leave a comment for requests!

March Hot Buys 2009

Hot Buys Bracelet
Pretty in Pink
March 2nd
Hot Buys Skirt
Pretty in Pink
March 9th
Hot Buys Denim Dress
Pretty in Pink
March 13th
Hot Buys Bodycon Dress
March 17th
Hot Buys Denim Jacket
March 18th
Hot Buys Earrings
March 20
Hot Buys Shoes
March 23rd
Hot Buys Trousers
March 25th
Hot Buys Circle Purse
Pretty in Pink
March 25th
Hot Jumpsuit
March 31st



I am so sorry I havn't been on in a while! I got hacked for about 6 hours on tuesday. It has kept from doing much on the site because while I was hacked they hacked and scammed others and everyone still thinks that I am hacker and it is a sad excuse. After realizing it isn't something to cry over all day long I realized well it isn't really my fault, I mever gave my password away or went to any scam sites that steal your password. So they must have given there password to me if they knew it was me! Except it wasn't the real me just someone on me. And if you are one of those people reading this email info@stardoll.com that is how you get your account back! Because if I knew your pw's then I would have given them to you!


Poll Results

1.Clubs (1 vote 10%)
2.Shopping (6 votes 60%)
3.Chatting (3 votes 30%)
4.Designing (0 votes 0%)

10 votes over all!

Guest Writer: Girlyninjatb PART 2!

Bethany had to think for moment before answering this question. She could feel the lump in her throat, the tears forming in her eyes, and most of all she can feel the pain of missing Jason. Jason meant the world to her. He was there through all the hard times, and through all of the good times. He had always gave her a kiss wen she felt down, and a hug wen she just felt like one. was she ready to tell the psychiatrist about him or would she just burst into tears? " Yes." she spoke softly," I am ready but i might have to stop." " That is perfectly fine honey, you just tell me what you can." said the psychiatrist sweetly." Well Jason and i were out at dinner and he told me he had to go meet someone, and we said our good- byes and we kissed. Then as i was walking home i saw his friend Drake, mumbling i am going to kill Jason, absolutely kill him. And i texted Jason to warn him but I didn't get a text back. so i ran to the building where he said he was going,and when I got there," she paused as a tear ran down her cheek." When i got there i saw Drake stabbing Jason, and wen Drake saw me he turned around and ran leaving his knife behind.And i walked over to Jason, and I saw," she said as two, then three, then four tears fell from her cheek. " It's okay honey we can finish tomorrow, i understand." the psychiatrist said as Bethany clenched her shoulder, her hands in fists weeping to herself. " I'll be back later sweetie", said the sweet lady, " and maybe we can finish. Just take your time dear."



NO ONE! I mean NO ONE told me that the new LE was out. Well aparrently it WAS! I am not mad just, frusterated espicially since I can't afford any of it... well I could but who would want to buy a 35 sd belt? In less they had the outfit to go with it!

xoxo? hco-hottie23


Guest Writer:Girlyninjatb

As Bethany walked out of that horribly sad building weeping she could only think about the crime that happened only a mere five minutes ago. Realizing her virginity, she sat as close as possible to the wall as she could curled up into a ball. She could only remember they way they had felt for each other. She remembered how every time they came near each other their blood would run cold, and how every time they touched the could feel a little spark in their fingers, and heart. And as she sat weeping to herself that horrible memory kept repeating in her mind. The memory that probably would stay with her forever. The memory of the death of her soul mate the memory, that just made her eyes tear again and again.The memory just made her hold her breath to keep from drowning in her tears. That sad memory made her heart stop. She remembered she had gotten a text from him just at least 30 seconds before his death. She still sat curled in a ball crying to herself as she pulled out her cell phone the text said: Bethany please forgive me for this terrible mistake i have made i will always love you and by the time you are able to get to me i will be dead. Just wait Bethany one day we will see each other again as beautiful as ever. With love, Jason.
As she sat by the wall crying even harder now she felt a soft, gentle hand rub the back of her neck. As she turned to see the road she heard an ambulance go buy. She sat and as she pulled the knife out of her pocket that Drake had killed Jason with she pondered to herself; should i or should i not. Then suddenly she felt her body go numb as she realized wat she had just done to herself.
She awoke numb and in pain wondering why her ma and pa were next to her bed crying. She realized a couple of strange things, for one she was hooked to a monitor and another she couldn't talk, the main wonder was why she had a giant tube coming out of her throat. She didn't want to to find out about the third one. As she started pulling the tube out of her throat she choked. Then she heard distinct voices, her parents calling nurses and explaining that she was choking.When the nurses finally arrived they just shoved the tube right back down her throat.She thought to herself of that night when she had stabbed herself. She remembered the death of her boy friend what had made her almost kill herself. Then she saw her parents next to her telling her everything was okay and that she would have to go to the mental facility tomorrow wen she is able to leave the hospital. The night seemed to last forever she couldn't move, not at all. so she buzzed the nurses buzzer. The night nurse came running in and fixed her pillows to the best of her ability. But it wasn't the pillows that were bothering her. It was the idea of the mental facility, and the fact of Jason's death. Then slowly she began to drift asleep...
The next morning when she awoke this time not in the same place again, she noticed that instead of the ugly old green dress that she had been wearing in the hospital, she was in a gray jumpsuit. Uglier this time! she was laying a bed covered in blankets, when an old bitty (old lady) walked in and said "here's ur breakfast" handing her a tray of food, " so honey are you ready to talk about your problems?" NEXT POST WILL BE 2-14-09!

Meh Amazing Doll!

Guest Writer:Girlyninjatb

Topic:What do you think of the new and pricey DKNY?
I personally think the new DKNY is indeed pricey, but very pretty. I think they should definitely lower prices. Really all i could afford was a shirt, the cheapest shirt too. And they should make some rares and DKNY for non-superstar as well. They hopefully will come out with another collection of DKNY and make this one cheaper and for any kind of member. Thanks for this chance Hco-hottie23! i really appreciate it! - Girlyninjatb!


Guest Writers!

If you want to be a guest writer mail me on stardoll! Send me your article on any stardoll topic! And if its' good enough you may be on here!


New Storage System!

Now there is a new storage system! It seperates furniture(1), odds & ends(2), clothes(3), and accessories(4)! If you have more than one page, it will make pages for you!


Check this out!

Go to my friends stardoll help site! It's www.stardollblogfashion.blogspot.com



Please join _MeMbErS_cLuB_ and sign your name under MissUnique843 Invited. I know this isn't me...but I want to help her! Thanks!

Cover Girl 2-4-09

Bmiller41196 congratulate her!
Also if you sign up you have
the chance of winning!


MissUnique843 Invited...

If you got invited by MissUnique843 say so here!


Okay, I want to make this blog bigger and better...but who doesn't? Anyways I am having a contest! Whoever invites the most people to this blog will get three superstar gifts...unless I save up enough money for a superstar giftcard code! Sign your name in the comments underneath this. And if you do I will make a post with your username and It will show who you invited! And if you got invited by someone find their topic to sign your username there! If you got invited... you can sign up and participate too! But...the deadline to sign-up is Feb.28 The other deadline for inviting people is March 17th! Game on!



DKNY is now OUT!

OMG! There is no possible way ... hahh well there is the NEW Spring 2009 DKNY is out! If your not superstar everyone understands, but you better be workin your butt off so you can get the new DKNY! All the DKNY together costs 216...but when you sell it you will get a zillion times much back!